How to Create the Perfect Gift for New Parents
Even the words "new parents” sounds daunting – it is a whole new adventure and one you really should prepare for. If you have previously grown up around children, you might have experience with changing nappies, applying nappy ointment, holding a baby, feeding, burping, and attempting to put them to sleep. And because of these experiences, it is natural for you to assume you could handle parenthood.

Of course, I was prepared physically. However, nothing can prepare you for the often instant and overwhelming rush of love that you feel for this tiny person whom you spent 9 months growing, not to mention that you also want to protect them from any harm and feel a a boat load of anxiety and parental guilt because you didn't change their outfit three times daily.
Then come the gifts, because everyone will want to share in your joy and excitement and show you how pleased they are of you.
Often, a gift will include a cuddly toy of some kind (which will ultimately get put onto a shelf or in a box and possibly never used again) or a cute little outfit that comes with several hundred baby buttons, five different pieces, and matching shoes! It’s not that we aren’t grateful, but when you welcome a new baby into the world, practicality is going to win every time. Though fun gifts are cute and a kind thought, they are anything but practical. In that regard, here are a few tips that you can implement when picking out presents for friends who have become new parents. Consider this us passing “the baton of good present giving for new parents” on to you.

First, you need to get a box – it can be pretty if you'd like but it's more important that it can be re-used at a later date. A medium plastic tub with a lid is always a good choice. You can easily fill it with some of these diaper bag essentials:
- Cotton wool or new-born wipes – new parents will go through so much of these, and having more is always useful. If you aren’t sure of which specific brand or type that the parents will be using, it’s always safer to go with cotton wool What's more, they also come in an organic version!
- Nappy rash ointment – Regardless of whether your little one has nappy rash or not, it is always good to use some baby ointment as a protective measure. Nappy ointment protects against the effects of nappy rash, and it works well as part of a child's bedtime routine. Babies tend to develop nappy rash often overnight, since the nappy is on longest during this time. It also works well to prevent a nappy rash from occurring in the first place.
- Nappy Sacks – handy for all sorts of things. It’s always useful to gift them a pack. Be sure to get one that is bio-degradable as well.
- Thermometer – You can get the flat lay ones that you lie across a child’s forehead, or some really good digital ones.
- Tummy Troubles – Including a bottle of colic remedy and a bottle of Gripe water in your gift pack is also really useful for managing late night tummy aches.
- Socks – Babies are possibly the worst culprits of lost sock syndrome. You know how the tumble dryer eats your socks? Well, babies lose them even quicker, so a couple of packs of socks are always welcome. Did you know they even do baby sock bouquets now?
- Clothes – By all means, include a nice outfit in there for the baby, but please remember that baby buttons are the enemy of every parent out there (especially ones that fasten at the back), and poppers are much easier for quick change situations.
- Muslins – You can never have too many muslins, especially if the ones you have are large enough to be used as a cover when breastfeeding, swaddling, or wiping up sick spills!
- Food – No, this isn’t for the baby. This is for the new parents. For example, a lasagna that they can quickly just toss in the oven, or even gift vouchers that they can use to enjoy a delicious take-away.
- Memories – Including a little mini photo frame, album, or box for the new parents to use can help them to document each memory of their child growing up.

During those first few sleep deprived weeks, any gift that new parents receive is appreciated, regardless of if they show that well or not. New parents are just that - new. And coupled with sleepless nights, they’re likely to forget one or two things.
Among the things they might forget is the importance of a good nappy ointment. Make Bepanthen Baby your gift of choice for new parents. It works to soothe, protect, and care for the new baby's delicate skin.
Bepanthen Baby forms a protective flexible barrier for up to 10 hours which is known to protect your baby's skin1. It also has a low friction formulation, hat is is proven to be gentle to your baby’s skin during application2 .
It’s just the thing for new parents who are just beginning to learn the importance of keeping their baby’s skin protected.
Your practical gift for the parents of a newborn will definitely be a shining light along the way, especially when they need it the most. Oh, and don’t forget a card and bottle of vino too!
1. Flexing-cracking study
Reference: Internal report Oct-2018 -In vitro flexibility test with bioskinsubstrate (n=10) -Optimisedvisual assessment. *Bepanthen Ointment cosmetics status UI:1600198 ** individual response may vary
2. Friction Study
Reference : Internal report May 2019 -in vitro tribology test (n=10 repetitions) additional disclaimer when speaking about ZnO: ** compared to two ZnOcommercially available product *Bepanthen Ointment cosmetics status UI:1600198