The Trials of Nappy Rash – How to Protect Against the Effects of Nappy Rash
Nappy rash is something that children may have in varying degrees.
Some children may suffer a nasty nappy rash, which can be attributed to a lack of knowledge on how to protect your baby's bottom from the condition effectively. It can also be caused by a belief that a nappy ointment is to be used only AFTER your children has suffered a nappy rash, and not to prevent it from occurring in the first place.
For that reason, here are some helpful tips on how to deal with nappy rash effectively. It goes without saying, however, that these tips are in no way medical advice. If have any concerns, please speak to a healthcare professional instead.
My top tips for protecting against the effects of nappy rash.
Nappy free time
Create a little zone for your children using blankets and cushions around the perimeter in order to could keep them in one spot. Next, take off the nappy! Swoosh! Nappies can be quite damp, so taking them off when you can is really important. Even after your children have developed a nappy rash, you should still keep this practice up while treating the condition, as it will drastically influence the risk of a repeat bout from occurring.

Use a good nappy rash ointment
Always keep a nappy ointment in your children's changing bag. Always. Some mothers learn the hard way that it’s far more beneficial for your child if you apply a small amount of cream after every clean nappy instead of waiting until there was no other option and you needed treatment with an ointment. Protection is the way forward, mamas, particularly at night when the nappy is on the longest!

Cleaning properly before putting on a fresh nappy.
A large number of mothers tend to take off a wet nappy and, unless it was soiled, just replace it with a fresh one without cleaning the area first. Urine can be really harsh on baby skin - any area of your skin actually - and therefore, it’s so important for you to make sure that you wipe the area first, whether it be a poop-filled nappy or just a wet one.

Boys and girls have different creases to clean.
Girls are easier to clean than boys – other than in the instance of a poo-nami. It’s really important to make sure that you clean all of the creases in both cases. With boys, it’s often under the testicles that needs the most cleaning (obviously not intentionally, but if it’s just damp, you might miss a dirty spot). Proper cleaning is essential, followed by applying a barrier ointment to help protect against any soreness creeping in.
If your little one does develop a nappy rash, you shouldn’t feel guilty at all. There is a reason that it is so commonly referenced and dreaded amongst mother. The most important thing that you can do for nappy rash is to protect against the effects of it with some baby ointment, and not try to treat it after the fact.